Activate BigBlueButton for Moodle in a minute

Scalable & Customizable

Ready In A Minute
Host URL & Salt Key

MynaParrot BigBlueButton Service Offers You

Scalable to any concurrent users capacity.
Customizable to your domain name&logo&settings.
BigBlueButton User Analytic Report .
BigBlueButton MP4 Recordings
BigBlueButton RTMP to YouTube&Facebook

Extended Features

fas fa-photo-video

Work with your Learning Management System

fab fa-gg

Work with MynaParrot meeting management system

fas fa-chart-bar

In-Room user Analytical Report

fas fa-user-friends

Multi teachers role in one account supported

fas fa-chalkboard-teacher

Multi-user cameras supported.

fas fa-caret-right

MP4 Recordings Supported

far fa-caret-square-right

1080P Video Quality Supported

fas fa-code

Customized branding Supported

Try it now
subscribe to a package.


  • Unlimited Hosts/Rooms
  • All Classroom Features
  • 25 Concurrent users
  • 10G Cloud Storage for recordings
  • RTMP live broadcasting (Youtube, Facebook etc)
  • Export recordings as MP4/Webm
  • 256-bit SSL encryption, no analytics, complete privacy!
  • Live Classroom Usage Report
  • Extended API ready for immediate use
  • Moodle, Joomla, Wordpress easy integration
  • No contracts, no setup fees, cancel at any time!


  • Unlimited Hosts/Rooms
  • All Classroom Features
  • 25 Concurrent users
  • 10G Cloud Storage for recordings
  • RTMP live broadcasting (Youtube, Facebook etc)
  • Export recordings as MP4/Webm
  • 256-bit SSL encryption, no analytics, complete privacy!
  • Live Classroom Usage Report
  • Extended API ready for immediate use
  • Moodle, Joomla, Wordpress easy integration
  • No contracts, no setup fees, cancel at any time!

Do you need custom pricing?

Why choose us?

fas fa-bullseye

Best For Educator

fas fa-dollar-sign

Save Cost

far fa-thumbs-up

Experienced Team

fa fa-cogs

Branding Supported

# Tutorial

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