How to show external games/contents/quizzes inside BigBlueButton room?

In MynaParrot BigBlueButton service you'll be able to display external content inside your room. Sometimes clients want their students/attendees participate in a quiz or HTML5 games, which is the part of their online training. Using our new remote content loading feature will allow you to load external contents/URLs inside the BigBlueButton room. This feature will work in breakout rooms as well.

How it will work?

Your teacher/moderator will require to insert remote URL, and that link will load inside BigBlueButton room. Under the hood it will be using HTML Iframe to load the contents. The website/contents will be loaded automatically for all participants, so they can go further with it. System will allow sending few extra parameters with the link like Meeting ID, User name, User ID etc. With these additional parameters, the remote system can verify or do further processing.

Let’s get started

1) Join to your BigBlueButton session as moderator. Now click on + icon from left bottom side and select "Display External URL (Iframe)".

2) Now insert link in the Add URL field and click on "Start" button. If you want to send extra values, click on checkboxes bottom of the values you want to send.

It should be load contents like this:


Working with Extra value:

If you check any of the "Send Extra value" options, it will add those values to your URL and a remote system can fetch them using GET request. For example, you have an external quiz and that accepts a user’s name, User Id, and meeting's external ID. So, you’ve inserted the URL: and selected value for User name, User Id & Meeting External Id. Our system will now automatically change the URL to something like this:

Your system can verify those details and direct users to the correct link.


Note: If the remote URL that you are loading your content into doesn't allow for <iframe>, then the user won't be able to see contents. Also, this contents won’t be recorded with BBB session. Checkout our BigBlueButton services & BigBlueButton Hosting.

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